3D Print Contest #2 is open to all supporters and subscribers! If you are not a subscriber yet, please subscribe to my blog (here) and YouTube channels and you will be good to enter. Prizes for first and second place (see Prizes below).
This very interesting air engine was just published by gzumwalt on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2865030 and is perfect as a challenging print that will let you exercise your printing chops!SCORING
- 1 point for the total crowd scored score (see below) for aesthetics of the printed model - colors, print quality, etc
- 20 points for "does it work powered with a balloon?"
- 10 points for each completed 30 seconds of run time on a single inflated balloon - no limit on the size of the balloon and a video must be submitted
From my research and calculations, a standard inflated balloon has about 800 mm of mercury pressure inside it. This is ~15 PSI. This model can be made to work on as little as 5 PSI so we should be able to make them work off balloon pressure.
SnoLabs.com has graceously donated the prizes for this Print Contest:
First place can choose either 1 roll of carbon fiber, or 2 rolls of other filament.
Second place can choose 1 roll of any non-carbon fiber filament
- Contest ends on Friday May 18 at 12 midnight EST, Participant scoring for category 1 must be complete by midnight on Wednesday May 23. Winner announced on Friday, May 25th
- One entry per person
- Submissions must include 1 to 3 clear photos and either the video or link to the video showing the full runtime duration
- Contest is open to all Patreon supporters who submit their entry in the contest_submissions Slack channel
- Contest is open to anyone who subscribes to both my Blog AND YouTube Channel who submit their entry via email to me at michael.hackney@sublimelayers.com and include your subscriber IDs on both the blog and YouTube, clear photos of your print (Limit to 3) and either the video or link to the video of the full duration run
- All entries must also participate in the scoring for category 1 (aesthetics). A photo of each entry will be posted on my blog with an identification number. Scorers pick the 3 prints they like best and email or message me with their choices ranked 1, 2 and 3. The total for each submission will be the number of points for Scoring category 1.
If you haven't subscribed to my blog and YouTube channel yet, please do so here:
blog: http://www.sublimelayers.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6scgqmuRHaHy_JZClUilFA
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6scgqmuRHaHy_JZClUilFA
Let the contest begin!
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